
Cycle: Masks
How is blue viewed in different cultures? What first comes to mind when you consider it? Clothes for a young boy, or perhaps a suit?

Technique: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 60x50 cm, 33x20 in


Blue was originally reserved for the most illustrious saints due to the high value of the lapiz lazuli pigment used to dye blue fabrics. Its value was compared to that of gold. This color was frequently used to adorn Mary's figures and became an inseparable symbol of her divinity and purity. In Gothic, almost all of the saint's clothing is dyed in this manner.

As a result, blue became synonymous with flawless femininity. Louis IX's introduction of blue to politics marks the beginning of a shift in public perception. The royal emblem of the King of France is lily flowers on a blue background. The aristocracy gradually takes over the blue, followed by the bourgeoisie, and the "divine" blue becomes less and less "divine."

According to Michel Pastoureaux, author of "Blue, the Story of Color," blue travels "from wardrobes to bows, from bows to flags and uniforms" over three generations. Because blue is used in so many variations, it has become the color of political and military power, and is thus more closely associated with masculinity.

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