Polish Woman

Cycle: Masks
A traditional Łowicz wedding was a spectacle attended by the entire village. Weddings in the nineteenth century lasted from Saturday to Thursday.

Technique: Oil on canvas

Dimensions: 120x100 cm, 47x39 in


A bachelorette party was held a week before the wedding, during whichfriends prepared a wreath for the bride - previously made of live flowerswith pinned ribbons and decorated with pearls and bubbles. The wreathserved as the painting's primary inspiration.

A capping ceremony took place after dinner at the wedding. The bridewas seated on the deen, her wreath was removed, and a beautifullydecorated coif - a married woman's symbol - was placed on her head.Anyone who donated money could dance with the bride after theceremony organizer collected money "for the coif.”

The bride was then handed over to the groom. During this ritual, thewoman has no subjectivity; all decisions are made without her consent.To demonstrate this phenomenon, I lowered the bride's face to thebackground level.

The bride's wreath is embellished with flowers in unusual shapes. At firstglance, vagina-shaped roses are easy to spot, but in the center, I used ashape that was unknown to mankind until 2005. Helen O'Connell, anAustralian scientist, discovered a flower in the shape of a clitoris 17 yearsago. It was made known to me by artist Sophi Wallace.

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