Pola Harrington, born in 1991, works and lives between Warsaw and Bali.
In her work, Harrington enters into discussion with woman position in social structures around the world.
Going deeper
She investigates patriarchal and matriarchal structures in search of the essence of equality and self-determination. This process is designed to liberate individuals through the act of encountering Harrington's artworks.    
Harrington confronts with stereotypical social alignments seen in European, American, and Asian cultures by emphasizing matriarchal  notions in order to bring to light the truth that all genders are equal. Through the deconstruction of well-worn cultural patterns, she undermines their constant, indisputable character and tries to influence the way we perceive them.

Harrington experiments with the form of the female figure, in particular she is focused on culture archetypes, witch are universally applicable culture patches that limit the uniqueness of a being. Her paintings contain subtly inserted, hardly noticeable at first glance emblems of felinity such as vulva or cliteries, which are a clever protest against the system

Through the deconstruction of well-worn cultural patterns, we can undermine their constant, indisputable character
and  influence the way we perceivethem.
in Search
the essence of

2010 – 16 Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, MA Degree in Design.Diploma with distinction


2014 – 15 MOST exchange program, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 2015 – 16 Scholarship for best student, Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
2014 – 14 CEEPUS scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana
2013 – 13 ERASMUS scholarship, Artesis Hogeschool Antwerp

Solo exhibitions
2022 Masks, Warsaw Artists Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2021 Closer, Popup gallery Nowy Świat 29, Warsaw, Poland
Group exhibitions
2023 Presence , Art Triennial, Municipal Art Gallery in Częstochowa, Poland
2022 Reborn, Ann & Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz Museum, Podkowa Leśna, Poland
The Feminine Side of Art, Defabryka, Warsaw, Poland 2022
2022 Exhibition of works to support Ukraine, BWA Bielsko Gallery, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
2022 5 Festival of Bielsko Artists, BWA Bielsko Gallery, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
2016 The best master's projects, Palace of Arts, Cracow, Poland
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